Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Java 7 Features

There are a number of features in java 7 that will please developers.
1. Automatic Resource Management: - 
In java 1.6 resources such as Connections, Files, Input/OutStreams, etc. should
be closed   manually by the developer by writing bog-standard code.  Usually we use a try-finally block to close the respective resources. See the current practice of creating a resource, using it and finally closing it:
 FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(“movies.txt”);
 DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
 dos.writeUTF(“java 7 feature”);
}catch(IOException e){

However, Java 7 has introduced another cool feature to manage the resources automatically. It is simple in operation, too. All we have to do is declare the resources in the try as follows:
try(resources to be cleaned){

try(FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(“movies.txt”);DataOutputStream dos new DataOutputStream(fos)){ 
 dos.writeUTF(“java 7 feature”);
}catch(IOException e){

The above code also represents another aspect of this feature: working with multiple resources. The FileOutputStream and DataOutputStream resources are encl ach one separated by a semicolon (;) separator. We do not have to nullify or close the streams manually, as they are closed automatically once the control exists the try block.Behind the scenes, the resources that should be auto closed must implement java.lang.AutoCloseable interface.  Any resource that implements AutoCloseble interface can be a candidate for automatic resource management. The AutoCloseable is the parent of java.io.Closeable interface and has just one method close () that would be called by the JVM when the control comes out of the try block.
2.  multi-catch functionality: - 

There are a couple of improvements in the exception handling area. Java 7 introduced multi-catch functionality to catch multiple exception types using a single catch block.
Let's say you have a method that throws three exceptions. In the current state, you would deal them individually as shown in below:
 code to generate 3 exceptions;
}catch(Type1Exception e){
}catch(Type2Exception e){
}catch(Type3Exception e){

Catching an endless number of exceptions one after the other in a catch block looks cluttered. And I have seen code that catches a dozen exceptions, too. This is incredibly inefficient and error prone. Java 7 has brought in a new language change to address this ugly duckling. See the improved version of the code below:
 code to generate 3 exceptions;
}catch(Type1Exception |Type2Exception e | Type3Exception e){

The multiple exceptions are caught in one catch block by using a '|' operator. This way, you do not have to write dozens of exception catches. However, if you have bunch of exceptions that belong to different types, then you could use "multi multi-catch" blocks too. The following snippet illustrates this:
 code to generate 3 exceptions;
}catch(Type1Exception e){
}catch(Type2Exception | Type3Exception e){

3. Diamond operator: -

In java 1.6 if we have to declare a map of Customers using Generics, we write the code as follows:

Map<String, List<Customer>> custMap = new HashMap<String, List<Customer>> ();

The not-so-nice thing about this declaration is that we must declare the types on both the sides, although the right-hand side seems a bit redundant. Can the compiler infer the types by looking at the left-hand-side declaration? Not unless you're using Java 7. In 7, it's written like this:

Map<String, List<Customer>> custMap = new HashMap<> ();

How cool is that? You don't have to type the whole list of types for the instantiation. Instead you use the <> symbol, which is called diamond operator.

4. Using Strings in switch statement: -

Till java 1.6, switch statement works with only primitive types or enumerated types.But in java 1.7 we can use String types also with switch statement.

String availability = "available";
switch(availability) {
 case "available":

  case "unavailable":

  case "merged":

5. Numeric literals with underscores: -

Numerical literals are definitely eye strainers. It's quite error prone and cumbersome to identify a literal if it's a million or a billion unless we count the places from right to left. Not anymore. Java 7 introduced underscores in identifying the places.

Example: we can declare 1000,1000000(one million) as shown below:
int thousand = 1_000;
int million = 1_000_000;
6. Binary literals: -

In the earlier versions of java we have to represent the numbers only in the decimal, octal, or hexadecimal.  But now in java 7 we can represent the numbers in binary also. To represent the numbers in the binary we need to add the prefix ‘0b’ for binary number.

Int a=0b1000;
System.out.println (a);    O/P: 8  (In earlier versions code doesn’t compile)

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